Friday, October 18, 2019

SBU Objective and Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SBU Objective and Goals - Essay Example Reposition Strongbow Cider in the Australian market and try to capture market share of the particular segment by new product launches. Introduce the brand in the US and selected European market, which have a strong potential for this kind of product sales. Develop the brand in South Eastern markets like China and Malaysia by effective product penetration and repositioning the brand. Introduce Strongbow Cider in emerging markets like India which has a huge youth population. Recommended Strategies Recommendation of strategies is similar to envisioning the desired upshot for and organization or SBU in a perfectly planned and well designed manner2 (Jurgen C Schmidt and Martyn Laycock, 2011). The most important theory that comes in to play in this context is the Ansoff Matrix, which has been associated with designing organizational growth strategies with relation to identification and development of new and existing products and markets. A very crucial part of it involves around the devel opment of new product in an effort to capture an existing market or even a market. At times, product development is needed to capture the minds of the customers and to promote innovativeness in the product. An innovative product which gives the company with some growth in product sales is worth the financial and manpower expenses that are associated with the product development3 (Queensland Government, 2011). Many a times, product innovation is promoted in response to market research that is conducted over a particular geographical area, region or location. At times, innovative ideas related to the product development originate even at the shop floors, which is then taken up for consideration by the top officials4 (Gary Yakimov and Lindsey Woolsey, 2010). Also another important factor is the price, when a new product is launched in a new market. Choosing the right kind of pricing technique in the strategic marketing and business plan is very essential when it comes to placing the pr oduct in a completely new market. In the UK market, the brand Strongbow has a high recall amongst the consumers and is continuously trying to connect with the target audience by promoting the brand strongly by using the social media like Facebook and Twitter5 (James Hall, 2011). So as a part of the recommended strategy for the UK segment, it is advisable to hold and retain the strong brand recall that the brand has in the market through continuous efforts of connecting with the young target audience by organizing various marketing and promotional campaigns. For the Australian market, which happens to be the home ground for the brand, it is recommended that a new variation of the product, which will be a part of the product development process, has to be introduced under the same brand as an effort to appeal to the consumers of the local market. It has also been point of discussion in various reports that Strongbow cider is available for distribution only in markets of UK, China, Mal aysia and Singapore. So it can be said that the product is opting for selective market distribution and as a part of the previously designed strategy, the US and some of the key European markets have been left out. But in order to develop and position the brand in a global manner, and to increase the recall for this brand from consumers all over the globe, it is considered increasingly essential to promote the brand of

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